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Budgeting, a gift for yourself

Budgeting, a gift for yourself

For many of us, budgeting is a tedious task. It’s the best way to manage our finances. In fact, it’s the best gift we could give ourselves at the start of the new year. We’ll tell you why, but first let’s find out what “budgeting” really means.

When should you call a licensed insolvency trustee?

When should you call a licensed insolvency trustee?

The credit score is a crucial element that reflects the financial health of a given individual. It is essential for obtaining loans with low interest rates, credit cards with high limits and even for renting an apartment or buying a car.

Warning signs of financial distress

Warning signs of financial distress

The credit score is a crucial element that reflects the financial health of a given individual. It is essential for obtaining loans with low interest rates, credit cards with high limits and even for renting an apartment or buying a car.

How to avoid bankruptcy?

How to avoid bankruptcy?

When personal and professional problems tend to accumulate, it becomes complicated to pay off debts and the financial situation can become increasingly delicate. In this case, it is still possible not to declare bankruptcy. Find out how.

Variable rate mortgages: will interest rates rise again?

Variable rate mortgages: will interest rates rise again?

Seven out of ten women would go bankrupt because of their lovers. These ladies would trust their partners and would easily accept to take on the debts of their darlings. The couple soon found themselves in a precarious financial situation. In reality, accepting debt deserves deep reflection. Find out all the information you need to know before making such a decision.

Everyone is talking about a possible recession: will I lose my job?

Everyone is talking about a possible recession: will I lose my job?

Seven out of ten women would go bankrupt because of their lovers. These ladies would trust their partners and would easily accept to take on the debts of their darlings. The couple soon found themselves in a precarious financial situation. In reality, accepting debt deserves deep reflection. Find out all the information you need to know before making such a decision.

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